A Prayer for Biblical Equity at Work

Earlier this month at Reimagining Work Vol. 11: Biblical Equity at Work, Myesha Reynolds, Founder of Equity Lens Consultants guided attendees through a conversation on understanding equity from a Biblical perspective—specifically in the workplace—and how we can confront misconceptions about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Here, Myesha shares with us a prayer of encouragement and blessing. No matter which sector you work in, we hope you feel prayed over, refreshed by the words below, and sent out to be ambassadors of Christ’s love in your workplaces.

Dear Jesus,

We thank you for your love for us and for all of humanity.

And thank you Jesus for being our greatest example of equity.

We pray that you will help us to love and value others the way you do.

Will you help us to be examples to the world of true equity?

Your word sets the standard for all that is right and fair.

Develop in us a Biblical lens, through which we can see the social issues of the world

in order to do our part to present the solutions that are so needed.

Help us to align with your heart and to be the salt and the light of the earth.

In our workplaces, we want to represent you.

Give us strategy and wisdom to deal with issues of inequity in a way that is

pleasing and honoring to you Jesus.

And we ask that you help us to be bold and courageous in doing what is right.

We thank you for your love, your word, and for trusting us with the mandate of

being kingdom-minded people in this world.

In Jesus’ name,


Myesha Reynolds is the Founder of Equity Lens Consultants. She was also the keynote speaker at the event, Reimagining Work Vol. 11: Biblical Equity at Work in November 2023.