A Prayer for the Film Industry

Last week at Reimagining Work Vol. 10: Film in LA, our moderator and CFWLA Advisory Board member, Caleb Monroe, artfully walked our panelists through a conversation on how the work of those in film echoes the work of the Creator and how filmmaking itself provides ways for believers in the industry to serve + love their neighbors.

Here, Caleb graces us all again—especially those working in film—with a prayer of encouragement and blessing. No matter which corner of the industry you work in or even if you work in a different field, we hope you feel seen, prayed over, and refreshed by the words below.

Creator God,

You began your creation by speaking,

blessing us with sound.

What you spoke was "Let there be light,”

blessing us with light.

You separated that light from darkness,

blessing us with motion.

You used that separation to create a day,

blessing us with time.

We know all this because you've told us the story,

and blessed us to reflect your narrative nature.

So when we create films and television --

These stories made of light, sound, motion, and time,

Whether before the camera, behind the camera, or behind the scenes,

Whether we initiate, equip, execute, support, or share a given work,

We are continuing your unending creative project

in a unique and powerful way.

Grace us with holy imaginations to envision

new stories, new worlds, and new ways of being in this world.

Give us the ability to articulate otherwise

when faced with sin, sorrow, and suffering.

Grace us with the supernatural wisdom

to navigate a complex culture-making industry

in this fallen, very good, and complicated world

in a way that heals rather than harms.

Grace us with divine love for

our coworkers, our city, and our audience:

a boundless love that never

places projects over people.

Show us where you're working, Lord,

so we can find you there,

And bless the work of our hands

So it may serve as the work of yours.


Caleb moderated Reimagining Work Vol. 10: Film in LA in February 2023. He is a Screenwriter, serves as Work & Culture Director at Reality Church of Los Angeles, and is an Advisory Board Member here at the Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles.