A Hearty Thank You + Fall CFWLA Updates

Although this season of COVID has many organizations pulling back and regrouping, we are grateful to have sensed God’s leading to move ahead with plans for growth amid the uncertainty.

This spring we were able to offer a virtual version of our 6 Week Faith + Work Course and our Annual Conference, which were quite engaging, rich in content, and well attended. We also hired a new Development Coordinator.

Coming this September, we are committed to running our full nine-month Framework Fellows Program with some modifications for COVID safety, including transferring half of the sessions online. Also this fall we plan to host additional Reimagining Work events, partner with like-minded organizations on additional events, and step up our search for additional critical staff.

We Are Grateful

To do all this obviously requires additional resources, so we launched our first summer giving drive and set a $20,000 goal. Almost on day one while seeking donors and help, we received offers for up to $10,000 of gift matching. By the end of July, we fully met that match and the $20,000 goal! This has been so timely as we funded an especially generous and necessary Framework Fellows scholarship program and produced many excellent online resources.

We give praise and thanks to our God for this generous gifting, and we cannot thank you, our supporters, enough for pushing CFWLA forward when pull-backs and caution are commonplace.

The need of our work is great as so many are pivoting to new jobs, difficult career choices, and unsettling challenges. You continue to help make this vital work possible.

New Resource Offering for You

One need we all face is to know that God is present and leading. That is why we are partnering with Paul Sohm from Biola University to offer an innovative retreat experience on the subject of calling. This unique and flexible set of resources will help you identify God’s call on your life in this particular moment and help you align your work with His call. We offer this Online Calling Retreat for you and hope you will consider making use of this rich resource. Early bird discount pricing is available through August 19. For more information and to register, click HERE.

We look forward to leaning into all that God is doing this season. We hope to engage with many of you soon. We are so blessed to have you in our community and are deeply grateful. Please know God is at work through CFWLA doing important things through all your support and prayers!


Steve Lindsey is the Executive Director of the Center for Faith & Work Los Angeles. As an engineer at Boeing for nearly 40 years, he often worked towards seeing how his work served God’s greater purpose for the world. He and his wife Margaret established the CFWLA in 2017 to help people reframe vocation and understand how all work, no matter the industry, has meaning and purpose.