Robert Covolo & Iris Gonzales Join Team CFWLA

The Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles is delighted to welcome Robert Covolo and Iris Gonzales (BlanchePon) to the team. Robert will be serving as our new Director of Vocational Discipleship and Iris as our new Administrative Assistant. Below are a few questions we asked them both to allow you to get to know each better as they step into these new roles at CFWLA.

Robert is a California native and has lived in the greater Los Angeles area for the duration of his adult life. He will primarily assist the Executive Director in the development and promotion of CFWLA by expanding the organization’s influence, deepening the quality of the programs CFWLA offers, and in cultivating the created-order of key sectors of influence around greater Los Angeles. He has completed two PhD programs (Fuller Theological Seminary and VU Amsterdam) and has served as a scholar at the Visual Faith Institute of Art and Architecture and on faculty at the Torrey Honors Institute. In addition to working at CFWLA Robert teaches at Fuller Theological Seminary and gives oversight to the interns and pastoral residents at his home church, Christ Church Sierra Madre.

What are ways that you see the Lord at work in your daily work now?

My work is constantly shifting, with no two days being the same. When I am centered in God’s grace, I am able to see this as a series of “divine appointments” rather than cynically viewing my work as soft chaos. In fact, the Lord has been giving me a unique stability regardless of what the day holds—be it a day of advance or setback. Additionally, I’m finding more and more the Lord is calling me to the task of empowering and build others up, rather than focusing on my own success or giving into a spirit of competition.

What appealed to you about the mission of CFWLA?

The Lordship of Jesus is at the center of my passion for what CFWLA does. If Jesus is Lord of all, then everything matters because everything falls under the redemptive reach and rule of Jesus. Said another way, all of life is meant to be all for Jesus. But what does that mean for where we spend so much of our life—our jobs? Here is why I’m passionate about CFWLA; CFWLA equips people to see how their various fields of work—from art to aerospace—can be redeemed and activated under the Lord Jesus.

What makes you most excited about the future direction of CFWLA?

CFWLA is poised at a pivotal and exciting point in her history! She has a new team that is bubbling up with exciting new ideas. She is seeing new churches partner with her from across the LA Basin. And she has a strategic and vital role in the church’s God-given mission to equip the laity to do the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12-16). I’m thrilled by CFWLA’s vision of seeing Christians connect their faith to their workplaces across the greater Los Angeles area.

Iris Gonzales (BlanchePon) is a born and raised SoCal resident who has graduated from Providence Christian College with a bachelor’s degree concentrating in communication arts and biblical theological studies. She has taken on the position as an administrative assistant at the Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles and provides direct support to our Executive Director. Iris attends Montrose Church where she has previously worked as a youth/children’s leader for 3 years. She also enjoys sitting on the beach, playing with her chihuahua/dachshund mix named Audrey, hula dancing, and watching movies with her husband Keanan.

What are ways that you see the Lord at work in your daily work now?

I have been very blessed to have attended a college where I was taught how to see the world with a Christian perspective. Every day is another day to serve our Lord no matter our profession. As I began my career, I kept this truth in mind. Of course, I struggled to find work that aligned with my values as a Christian and what I thought God had planned for me. I often asked myself how I can shine God’s light and character in my career. Thankfully, He has brought me to CFWLA where I can learn as well as work in a community that helps fellow Christians view their work as another way of worship and service.

What appealed to you about the mission of CFWLA?

I was inspired by CFWLA’s mission to encourage Christians to flourish in their faith and show how our vocation can help us achieve our ultimate purpose to glorify God. This strongly resonates with me having been a youth leader and graduated from Providence, and I concur that growing in a Christ-centered community while continuing to build our relationship with the Lord should interweave with what He has called us to do for work.

What makes you most excited about the future direction of CFWLA?

I truly think the vision of CFWLA will change so many lives for the glory of God. It is surprisingly rare to see this work being done in our world today, and it is true that combining faith into our work is sometimes a challenge and not often taught. However, it is essential to our first and foremost calling as stewards living in God’s world. I look forward to serving God through the Center for Faith + Work by helping Christians see how He is actively present in their jobs.